What's happening at the Y?

5 Ways To Do Parents Night Out

General Wellness
Parents\’ Night Out (PNO) is offered at branches across King and south Snohomish counties. Whether you want to catch the newest movie in Bellevue, enjoy a romantic dinner in the University District or catch up on chores at home, there’s a Y nearby. If you need a little bit of date night inspiration, we've got you covered: Around the World in a Single Yelp<
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Five Ways to Be a Great Sports Parent

General Wellness
Think you are raising the next LeBron James or Michael Phelps? Probably not, but parents’ behavior can be a reason children stop wanting to play sports. Check out these five ways to be a great sports parent to keep your child happy and playing.  
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Celebrate LatinX Heritage Month

Community Outreach
September 15 to October 15 celebrate LatinX Heritage Month with the YMCA. Join free events across Greater Seattle. National LatinX Heritage Month is celebrated each year from September 15 to October 15. It celebrates the culture and recognizes the contributions made by those whose ancestors came from Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, South America and Spain.
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Water Safety at the Y

Spending time around water can be relaxing and so much fun, but without the proper training, water can be deadly. Learning water safety skills can serve kids for their whole lives. Whether on camping trips, pool parties or trips to the beach, when kids are prepared, the chance of accident decreases significantly. We can prevent accidental deaths
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